Tôles Perforées de la Sambre places its product catalogue at your disposal including products such as perforated sheet metal, expanded metal, slatted metal and welded mesh. We have the appropriate answer to your sheet metal punching and sheet metal bunching requests be they standard or unique.

Sheet metal punching, sheet metal bunching : proven know-how since 1899

We implement the necessary means to respond in a manner adapted to your product order for functional or decorative purposes. Thus, our sheet metal punching and sheet metal bunching technique lends itself to different requirements. Performance, quality and responsiveness characterize our approach with our objective being to satisfy each company, small or large, that contacts us.

We offer a wide range of products thanks to our competence in sheet metal punching techniques

How can you obtain perforated sheet metal capable of responding to all points of your requirements? By developing sheet metal punching and sheet metal bunching techniques for each use . Our products can be used in the industry, construction and agri-food sectors: urban furniture, false ceilings, display units, sound insulation, dryer plates, crushers, sizers, etc. We use various materials during the sheet metal punching: soft steel, aluminum, copper…

19 route d'Avesnes
BP 585
59605 Maubeuge Cedex
Tél: +33 3 27 62 30 01
Fax: +33 3 27 62 37 90

Toles perforées de la sambre est une société fondé en 1899, nous sommes spécialisés dans la conception de plaques perforées, de tôle perforée décorative. Nous réalisons également des toiles métalliques et autres accessoires d’extérieur : grillage soudécaillebotis métal sur mesure. Nos spécialistes utilisent tout leur savoir-faire pour répondre au mieux à votre demande. Nous pratiquons la perforation métal, le pliage tôle, lpoinçonnage tôle ou encore le roulage tôle.